Technical implementation departments

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This department is responsible for ensuring financial, accounting, tax and budgetary management. In addition, it provides other departments with the administrative, financial, logistical and management information support necessary to carry out their missions. Five areas of intervention, namely:

  • Accounting management
  • Financial management
  • Budget management
  • Administrative management
  • Human Resources Management


This department is responsible, on the one hand, for ensuring (i) cooperation between the CICC and international or civil organizations (member states or any other body), (ii) cooperation between the permanent bodies and non-permanent bodies of the CICC. On the other hand, ensuring communication with the public, publication and dissemination of the activities carried out by the CICC. Four areas of intervention, namely:

  • Cooperation and partnerships (countries, partners and between them);
  • Communication and promotion of CICC activities:
  • The organization of CICC events, meetings and conferences;
  • Facilitating the connection between stakeholders.


This involves, on the one hand, ensuring the collection of statistical elements and all economic information relating to cashew value chains and, on the other hand, providing answers to market access to cashew nuts and promoting the marketing of cashew nuts. In addition, ensuring the coordination of planning and monitoring-evaluation of CICC activities. The areas of intervention of the department concern:

  • National, regional and international economic studies
  • Collection and compilation of statistical data on the different cashew value chains
  • Market access issues
  • Commercial promotion
  • Planning and monitoring-evaluation of activities


The mission is on the one hand, to support member countries in research on production, industry and technological development in the cashew sector, and on the other hand to promote the popularization of the achievements of research and technological innovation in member countries. The management is particularly concerned with:

  • Research and collection of scientific and technical documentation;
  • The realization and promotion of Research and technical information;
  • Research on technological innovations
  • The organization of scientific meetings and exchanges;
  • Promoting innovations and technology.