Interactions with countries and partners

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Interaction with Member States’ Institutions

  • Focal Points in Member States

Member States have institutions responsible for regulating the cashew sector. They must designate a focal point, which is the institution in charge of regulating the cashew sector. Member States that do not have such institutions must designate the Ministry responsible for Agriculture and the Ministry responsible for Industry as their focal points.

  • Nature of the Interaction Between the CICC and Member States

The interaction between the CICC and the institutions responsible for regulating the cashew sector or the Ministries responsible for Agriculture and Industry is conducted within the framework of the CICC’s missions, as defined in the convention establishing the CICC. The scope of the interaction includes, among other things:

  • Significant contribution to organizing the plenary sessions of the Council of Ministers, particularly when the selected country hosts the institution or Ministry involved in the interaction;
  • Providing statistics or other data related to the country;
  • Facilitating contacts or partnerships with technical and financial partners present in the country;
  • Assisting in the collection of contributions and other financial dues.

The interaction may occur during the Council of Ministers’ sessions or between sessions through correspondence, seminars, conferences, workshops, missions, phone calls, or emails.

Interaction with Technical and Financial Partners

The interaction between the CICC and technical and financial partners involves initiating contacts to establish partnership agreements aimed at financing eligible projects and programs related to the development of the cashew sector in identified regions. These projects and programs must be included in the strategic plan or the annual budgeted work programs duly approved by the Council of Ministers.

Partnership agreements must be authorized by the Council of Ministers. Information related to the conclusion of partnership agreements is communicated to the Council of Ministers following the signing of the said agreements.